- conduction of heat
- теплопроводность
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
Heat transfer — is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the exchange of thermal energy from one physical system to another. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and phase change … Wikipedia
Heat flux — or thermal flux is a flow of energy per unit of area per unit of time. In SI units, it is measured in [W·m 2] . It has both a direction and a magnitude so it is a vectorial quantity. To define the heat flux at a certain point in space, one takes… … Wikipedia
heat-conduction gage — termoelektrinis vakuummetras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Šiluminis vakuummetras, kuriame yra termoelektrinis elementas arba termopora. atitikmenys: angl. heat conduction gage; heat conduction gauge; thermocouple… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
heat-conduction gauge — termoelektrinis vakuummetras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Šiluminis vakuummetras, kuriame yra termoelektrinis elementas arba termopora. atitikmenys: angl. heat conduction gage; heat conduction gauge; thermocouple… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Heat conduction — or thermal conduction is the spontaneous transfer of thermal energy through matter, from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature, and acts to equalize temperature differences. It is also described as heat energy… … Wikipedia
Conduction — Con*duc tion (k[o^]n*d[u^]k sh[u^]n), n. [L. conductio a bringing together: cf. F. conduction.] 1. The act of leading or guiding. Sir W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of training up. [Obs.] B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 3. (Physics) Transmission … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conduction — 1530s, hiring; 1540s, leading, guidance, from O.Fr. conduction hire, renting, from L. conductionem (nom. conductio), noun of action from pp. stem of conducere (see CONDUCE (Cf. conduce)). Sense of conducting of a liquid through a channel is from… … Etymology dictionary
heat transfer — heat transfer, the flow of heat from warmer bodies to colder bodies; the transfer of heat between solids, liquids, or gases, by conduction, convection, or radiation … Useful english dictionary
conduction — ► NOUN ▪ the transmission of heat or electricity directly through a substance, without motion of the material. DERIVATIVES conductive adjective … English terms dictionary
conduction — [kən duk′shən] n. [L conductio: see CONDUCT] 1. a conveying, as of liquid through a channel, esp. in plants 2. Physics a) transmission of electricity, heat, etc. through a material b) CONDUCTIVITY: see also CONVECTION, RADIATION … English World dictionary
Heat — In physics, heat, symbolized by Q , is energy transferred from one body or system to another due to a difference in temperature. [cite book|author= Daintith, John |title=Oxford Dictionary of Physics|publisher=Oxford University… … Wikipedia